End of Corona

Its predicted by Astro statistics that corona will End by…


To discuss the present situation of corona pandemic in our country, we shall take the horoscope of independent India based on the time, date and place where independence agreement was signed. All modern astrologers of our country take the time and date of independence for making chart (horoscope) of independent India. We got freedom at midnight of 14th-15th august, 1947, New Delhi. Now, ascendant of the horoscope of independent India is Taurus and Moon sign (janam rashi) is Cancer. Details of the chart with main periods and sub periods is as shown below:

Before discussing about present situation of corona pandemic in our country, I would like to go back to sixties to understand the impact of transit of planets. As we know that china attacked our country in 1962. War started on 20th October,1962 and lasted till 21st November,1962. That time Saturn was transiting through Capricorn, Jupiter was transiting through Aquarius (which is at 8th place from moon sign of India i.e. Cancer) and Rahu was transiting through moon sign itself (a very bad transit which gives continuous tensions, bad health etc.) According to ancient astrological principles, transit of Jupiter through 8th house is considered very bad and can give diseases, losses and even death. We suffered a great loss as china captured large area in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, which was later handed over to us after the intervention of United Nations. It is a well-known fact in astrology that whenever Saturn transits through Capricorn, it gives devastating results. During early nineties, transiting Saturn through Capricorn gave disintegration of Russia, whereas current transit of Saturn through Capricorn spread this pandemic throughout the world.

Now coming to the present situation of pandemic in our country, it started in february/march, 2020 soon after the entry of Saturn to Capricorn on 24th January,2020. A nationwide lockdown was imposed by honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi on 24th march, 2020. Saturn became retrograde on 12th may, 2020 and again got direct on 28th September, 2020. In february/march,2020 Jupiter was in Sagittarius, at 6th position from cancer (moon sign of independent India). According to Briaht prashar Hora Shatsra, transit of Jupiter in 6th from moon sign is considered very bad and can give diseases, debts, litigations and troubles from enemies. We know that there had been continuous tensions at Indo-china border which got even worse during this period. There were causalities too and our 20 soldiers got martyred in a bloody scuffle with enemy. As time passed, Jupiter entered Capricorn on 21st November,2020 (which is at 7th place from moon sign and is considered quite beneficial), also rahu entered Taurus on 20th September,2020 (11th from moon with 40 sarvashtakvarga points and is therefore a highly benefic). Consequently, Chinese forces were withdrawn from L.A.C. in January/February,2021 thereby giving much relief. Cases of corona were also reduced to a great extent during above mentioned benefic transit of Jupiter and rahu. During April/May, second wave of the pandemic started again. This time, it was much more intensified and reached to a dangerous level of 4 lac cases per day. All this happened after the movement of Jupiter to Aquarius on 30th march,2021. Since Aquarius is at 8th position from moon, it is very bad for health, longevity and financial affairs. Now, cases again started going down after 15th May 2021, because of the favourable position/transit of three fast moving planets sun, mercury and Venus (all are 11th from moon).

Coming to most important dasha analysis, main period of moon is operative since 3rd September, 2015 and will continue up to 3rd September,2025. Sub period of Saturn in main period of moon started on 4th December,2019 (corona outbreak was started during this sub period only) and will continue till 3rd July, 2021. we shall apply dasha lagna principle here. According to this principle, the house or sign in which main period lord is placed, is considered as ascendant. India is undergoing main period of Moon in Cancer, therefore we will consider Cancer as ‘ascendant’. Saturn, the lord of 8th house from cancer is placed with the ascendant lord moon in ascendant itself. Clearly, this conjunction of Saturn and moon in ascendant is very bad for health and longevity. Hence, sub period of Saturn in main period of moon gave the result of maraka and became the cause of this pandemic astrologically. This sub period of Saturn ending on 3rd July 2021, will definitely give much relief in this catastrophic situation. There shall definitely be the end of this pandemic after the sub period of Saturn in main period of moon or the number of cases will be reduced to minimum.

Written by: Anubhav Chopra Tel: 9855012129 Email: Anubhavchopra67@gmail.com

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